You Need a Videographer at Your Check Presentation

March 24, 2021

Check presentations tend to be boring by nature.

You invite some of your most important supporters to stand around and listen to the head honchos of your company read some scripted remarks about the impact of a donation.

The media snap a few pictures as you hoist up that publisher’s clearing house-sized check and if your lucky they capture a few short snippets of video that might make it into that night’s newscast.

And that’s a wrap!

In a pre-COVID world, you shake hands and go back to your workday.

If the media is there why do I need a videographer?

Free press coverage is always the goal. But as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

You’re lucky to get more than a minute of airtime on your local newscast.

That is, if your segment isn’t cut altogether.

Can't I just record it myself for free?


But it bears repeating… you get what you pay for. Sure you can post a recording on your social media. Heck, you could even live stream it!

But I hate to break it to you, very few (if any) people will be interested in watching.

So why do I need video at all then?

Video tells a story
Viewers might not care about your live stream but there is a good chance they do care about the impact of the donation.

Toss aside those scripted remarks and tell the story of the actual people whose lives will be changed.

Video provides added value to your donor.
Donations of this kind are accompanied by some sort of media incentive. A press release and social posts are pretty typical.

Few, if any, offer video marketing. Before you know it businesses will be lining up to make a donation incentivized by your video.

Can you show me an example?

Of course!

We recently created this video for a local hospital that wanted to promote the support of their Pregnancy Care Center.

How do I get started?

When it comes time to start planning your next check presentation click here or one of our many ‘Get a Quote’ buttons on our website.

Submit a brief description of your event and leave the rest to us!