How Video Marketing Transforms Views into Sales

March 4, 2021

What if I told you every video you post has the potential to make you money? Videos are not just for viewing. Transform your views into sales with the magic of video marketing.

The following tips will make even the most camera-shy business owner would whip out their smartphone and start recording for that kind of return on investment.

Step 1: Turn VIEWS into LEADS

I bet you didn’t know 80% of the people who view your video on a landing page are potential customers. (They just don’t know it yet).

That is a HUGE opportunity when it comes to lead generation.

The right combination of website design and video will have viewers racing to sign up for your email list.

Make sure your video has a meaningful message, a strong call to action, and is distributed throughout all your online channels to cast the widest net.

The goal here is to get people intrigued by your video so they sign up for your lead generator. (Don’t have one of those? We can help!)


Now that you’ve captured your viewer’s email and added them to a nurturing or sales campaign, it’s time to start showing them how your products or services work. (Andddd if you have no idea what any of that means – we can help!)

After watching a video about a product or service, you are 64% more likely to buy it.

Even before the pandemic, we’ve grown accustomed to buying anything we want with the click of a button from our couch… in our pajamas.

We want the ease of buying with confidence, without having to ask the sales rep how it works.

Video marketing can accomplish all that and more for your customers. “How-tos” and“product demos” are perfect examples of videos that convince customers to click BUY.


Most people stop when they get the sale. Don’t be like most people.

95% of people say that reviews influence their purchasing decisions so you’re paying customers are the best free marketing that exists!

Video Testimonials are the best way to have your happy customers do the selling for you.

Ready to get started?

If you’re ready to turn your video views into sales but don’t know how to get started – we’re here to help!

Our video marketing coaches are excited to hear your ideas and are ready to craft a proposal that meets your needs and budget!